Week 5 Story: Hanuman Competes in the Olympics

Hanuman Competes in the Olympics

     The Tokyo 2020 Games had finally begun. However, as soon as the spectacular opening ceremony 

concluded, an unexpected competitor arrived. The audience heard the most powerful thunder they 

ever had, coming from the sky over the Olympic Stadium. Hanuman erupted down through the 

clouds in a gigantic form and landed right in the middle of the ceremony. The audience and athletes 

from all countries were astonished. 

     Hanuman announced in a thunderous voice "I am here to put in my bid as a contender for this 

Olympiad!" The crowd gasped and could not even believe that Hanuman was real, much less that he 

was going to compete. "I will represent myself as a 'nationality' and compete in all of the events!" 

Hanuman declared. All of the athletes from every nation turned to each other with looks that 

exclaimed "well, there goes all of our gold medals." Hanuman had one more request before the games 

went underway the next morning. "Japan! You are a wonderful country, and Tokyo, you have done an 

excellent job at building this Olympic Park and coordinating the Opening Ceremony! However, let us 

move these Olympic Games to my beloved land of India!" Just then, Hanuman transformed a 

hundred times larger than his already gargantuan form, picked up all of the buildings within the 

Olympic Park, put them all on his shoulders without causing them any damage, and leapt from Tokyo 

to southern India with all of the athletes and spectators. 

     All of the athletes and spectators awoke the next morning to a perfectly preserved Olympic Park, 

now relocated in India. So of course, the Games went underway as usual. Hanuman destroyed the 

competition in the very first event that morning, men's cycling. He literally destroyed the next 

competition when he boxed against a large Russian man and literally obliterated him into smithereens 

with a quick jab. Luckily, Hanuman revived him. 

     "How is Hanuman going to compete in ALL of the events if many of them overlap one another!?" 

the Olympic Committee wondered. Well, that was no problem for Hanuman to ponder. He just split 

himself into multiple forms and competed in all of the overlapping events. Now he could do things 

like compete in men's swimming, women's rowing, women's track, and men's gymnastics all at the 

same time! As unfortunately, Hanuman didn't leave the women's sporting events out of the equation. 

He was in it to win every single gold medal. 

     Fortunately for Hanuman, in some sports, he didn't actually have to compete every single day of 

competition in order to take all of the golds. In gymnastics for example, he went in and did floor. He 

leapt through the ceiling and soared off into outer space as he did thousands and possibly millions of 

flips and twists. It was assumed that he must've fit in that many flips and twists because he was in the 

air for almost 24 hours before flipping back through the ceiling and sticking his feet perfectly on the 

floor. This one massive skill was enough to win him, not only the floor exercise gold, but every gold 

medal on every single event in both the men's and women's divisions, easily. 

     TV viewers at home were treated to a medal count with all of the gold medals sitting next to a red 

and gold flag, customized by Hanuman to represent himself. Needless to say, nobody else won any 

gold medals by the end of the Games. It was a complete sweep by Hanuman. Although this whole 

unfolding of events made Hanuman seem prideful and boastful, like an innocent child, he joyfully 

admitted that it was all just for fun. He didn't want to actually steal anybody's chances at Olympic 

Gold. So, he reset all of the events back to before the Games started. Everybody still had memories of 

what happened, but physically, all of the athletes were rejuvenated as well as the resources used 

during the Games. Everybody praised Hanuman and could never forget his truly god-like Olympic 


     Bibliography. Indian Myth and Legend by Donald A. Mackenzie. Web Source

     *Author's Note: This story was inspired by, among many feats, Hanuman's leap from India to 

Lanka in the Ramayana. When thinking of a story idea, I instantly pictured how incredible a 

performance such a powerful being could give at an Olympic Games. This story was how much I 

pictured Hanuman dominating in such a large sporting event. It almost takes on a tone of an athletic 

tall tale, which I thought was cool. 



  1. Ethan, I think this story is really appealing to those who love the Olympics, sports, and Hanuman, as you did a great job at making us feel like we were watching the games! I was around a lot of Ramayana and Mahabharata reading materials and shows for kids growing up and Hanuman is always portrayed as the most athletic and adventurous, and this makes him a fun character to learn about. I think it would be cool to look through a storybook that focuses on Hanuman, as he always thinks of cunning and entertaining ways to overcome the challenges that he comes across.

  2. Ethan,
    This story was a very creative way of combining a famous character from an Indian Epic and a modern sporting event. You did a great job using imagery to paint the picture at the games. I almost felt like I was watching him leap into the sky during the gymnastics competition. Great job with this story and I look forward to reading more of your stories!

  3. Hi Ethan!
    “Well, there goes all our gold medals” HILARIOUS. “He literally destroyed”- this made me laugh. The word literally is used in back to back sentences, though- maybe another term can round out the paragraph instead. I especially loved the ending and its characterization of Hanuman, as a fun-loving and powerful, yet not-a-jerk being. He whooped everyone’s butts but was a good sport about it lol. The idea to write an Olympics story about his feats of strength was great, and I appreciated the incorporation of some of the actions he is known for in the epics, including his picking up of the Olympic village and moving it around the world. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hi Ethan! I was so excited when I recognized bits from the original story in your own! It was so awesome and creative and my roommate just listened to me exclaim about it for a full ten minutes as I told her about all the connections between your Olympic story to the one where Hanuman carries Medicine Hill to the battlefield. It was such a great twist, and at first I wasn't sure how the olympics were going to be able to reflect the original in any shape or form, but you definitely showed you have a talent for molding a story into your own! The original ideas were all there: the picking up of a piece of land and neatly transporting it to its desired location, as well as the complete rejuvenation and reset at the end. It was a very-laid back story, however, it still allowed the story of Hanuman's strength to be told. I really loved it!


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