EK Feedback Thoughts

     As an athlete, I definitely related to the point that this article was making. There's an old saying (I don't remember who wrote it). "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right." I feel that people who 'can't' do things are people who put themselves in that kind of a mental state before getting stuck physically. The people who don't put limits on themselves literally don't have as many limits. Our minds can be more powerful than we give them credit for. 

     I feel like this article gave physical evidence to back up the point of the previous article. It falsified stigmatic ideas about our brains not growing passed a certain age. What's more, this article gave scientific evidence that our emotions can affect our brains physically. This idea is very powerful to me. It shows how feedback, criticism, and our attitudes towards it actually do manifest in our physical lives and concrete capabilities. 


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