Ethan Kahn Time Strategies

Time Strategies

     I read The Important Habit of Just Starting and The Myth of Too Busy. Both articles really 

resonated with me. As someone who's a Nazi about time-management (my own dad said I kept to my 

schedule better than him) I have found myself already implementing some of the ideas discussed in 

those articles. The Important Habit of Just Starting talked about how procrastination creates stress, 

depression, and anxiety. I've already found this to be true for myself, which is why I fear 

procrastination more than getting started. Naturally, fear drives you away from the thing you're afraid 

of into something you're not afraid of. For me in this case, that means running away from 

procrastination by getting started as soon as possible. 

     I chose The Myth of Too Busy completely based on the name of the article. It's something that I've 

always felt myself. That being "too busy" is a lie people use to put off a project or bring somebody 

down easy. I have met very few people who are busier than me. I'm a college gymnast, which means 

I'm in the gym just about 5 hours almost everyday. I'm a college student, so I have to read, write, and 

study just as much as the purely academic students. I'm also a writer and youtuber in my free time. 

Yet, despite being that busy, I still manage to have time to talk one-on-one with some of youtube 

subscribers who love my work. That's not something I have to do at all and yet, I'm able to respond to 

them within the hour and spark a thorough conversation. Thus, I completely agree with the article. 

There's no such thing as too busy, only "I'm prioritizing something/someone else over you." I try to 

make sure I'm prioritizing the right things. 


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