Week 2 Story: "The Buddha: Teacher of Gods and Men"

The Buddha: Teacher of Gods and Men Statue of Gautama Buddha As was customary for Siddhartha, he headed back to his sleeping quarters by dusk to rest from a long and tedious day of leading and mingling with his multitude of disciples. He would rest for only a couple hours. Then, when all of his disciples were asleep, and surely nobody would disturb him, the gods would descend and manifest in young Siddhartha's quarters. The gods would come to this youthful and humble man to be his Heavenly disciples just like those who were sleeping were Siddhartha's Earthly disciples. You see, the Buddha was a teacher of both gods and men. Different divinities came and went on different nights. Sometimes the whole pantheon squeezed in with Siddhartha, while other nights, one lonesome deity would come for his/her own individual purpose. Tonight, it was Sakra, ruler of the gods...