Ethan Kahn Introduction

Hello! My name is Ethan

     Hello ya'll! My name is Ethan Kahn. I'm a student-athlete here at the University of Oklahoma. If

you insist on knowing what sport, I'm a gymnast. I compete for the OU men's gymnastics club team.

We are 4-time national champions!
Personal Photo

     Let's get to the stuff that has to do more with me personally though. I was born in Buffalo, New 

York. My family and I moved down here to Norman, Oklahoma when I was 5 years old. 
     I have one sibling, an older brother. He goes to OU as well. My brother and I are practically 

opposites. He's spazzy and extroverted while I'm calm, cool-headed and more introverted. He likes 

cool colors like blue and purple while I tend towards warm colors like red and orange. Even our 

majors are quite different. He's in pre-dentistry and I'm a philosophy major. 
     Speaking of philosophy, I love to think about, well, everything. I have my own ontological 

theories about reality and the nature of existence. Stuff that has to do with all of the really, really big 

questions in life. After I graduate from college, I want to become an author, speaker, and teacher. I 

won't continue with my gymnastics career after college but I've been dying to try out American Ninja 

Warrior. So I'll still have that athletic-academic balance that I strive for. 

     Getting down to the smaller things about me. My favorite genre of music is... well, I'll pretty much 

listen to anything. I've found myself relaxing to country, partying to hip hop, chilling to rap, and 

straight-up head-banging to Metal. Although, if there's one genre that I would consider my default 

"go-to" it'd have to be pure rock. I love listening to that type of music, especially before competitions 

to pump myself up. 

     My favorite type of food is... well once again, just about anything. I have a pretty diverse taste 

palette. Part of the reason is due to my parents constantly exposing me to all types of food throughout 

childhood. By the time I reached high-school, when most kids still didn't even know how to 

pronounce the name of Gyro-meat (it's yer-oh) or what schwarma is, I considered those things to be 

comfort food. I love Greek, Thai, Italian, German, Barbecue, Sushi, Hibachi, etc. the list goes on. 

     One more thing about me is that I am a dog-lover. This is also partially due to my family. Each of 

us had our own dog in the house when I was growing up. I used to own a red female dachshund. 

Sadly, she died back in 2014. For the past 3 years, I've owned a little white chihuahua named Elliot. 

He's cute as a gumdrop and his fur-coat is whiter than this page. I'm really not exaggerating all that 


     Anyways, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed learning a little about me and I can't wait to read 

your posts! 


  1. I hope you have another championship year ahead, Ethan: I know you must have so much momentum and ambition as a team now which gives you such a powerful way to start the year! And how great that you are a philosophy major; there are lots of connections between the ancient story traditions and philosophy in India and all over the world. Maybe you will want to learn about the "gymnosophists" of India: no, they were not gymnasts, ha ha, but that's what the ancient Greeks called the ascetic philosophers that Alexander the Great encountered in India. That mix of Greece and India makes that a possible Storybook topic for either class! More here at Wikipedia: gymnosophist philosophers of India.

  2. Hi Ethan, I'm so glad to see another dog lover in this class! I also had a dachshund growing up who passed away as well, I am so sorry for your loss. My dachshund was red too, but was a male named Fred. Now, I have a tiny yorkie named Jessie and a bishon frise named Mia. I would love to see a picture of your little chihuahua Elliot on your blog one day because I am totally obsessed with tiny puppies! I wish you the best of luck this semester.

  3. Hi Ethan,

    First off, congrats on all the national championships! I enjoyed reading your introduction. I find it interesting that you and your sibling are so different. I have a sister, and we are completely different as well. I, too, am a dog lover. I have a golden retriever and a lab. Also, super cool that you have a diverse taste in food.

    Best of luck this semester.

    -Andy McDowell

  4. Hi Ethan! Your major sounds like it could be a really fun way to connect with the stories we are reading this semester. My sibling and I are quite different two; we're twins but he's six feet tall and I'm 5'3". The only thing that is the same about us is our birthday. I totally agree with Megan and would love a picture of Elliot! He sounds absolutely adorable!

  5. Hi Ethan, gymnasts and their abilities are truly amazing. Congratulations on being 4-time champions! Philosophy is such an intriguing major; you could probably do a lot of good in the world by taking those lessons and sharing them with others through writing. Chihuahuas are adorable and Elliot is a good name for a dog. Anyway, good luck with your semester!

  6. Hi Ethan, I think it is so cool that you are a gymnast! I am terrified of doing flips in the air so ones on the trampoline are the closest I have gotten to doing something "cool" like that! I am also a dog lover, I have a tiny dog named Bruno. He is mixed with Maltese and yorkie. He is so hyper and loves going on walks! I love that you can describe the differences between you and your brother in that way!

  7. Hey Ethan! Dang, I have so much respect for gymnasts, it’s amazing what all you can do, especially, the gymnasts here at OU (four time national champs, whoo!). I also really hope that you make it on America Ninja Warrior – that would be awesome! I wish you the best of luck with your school year, both in academics and gymnastics!

  8. Hi Ethan! You have a diverse array of interests. I think that's great! I'm glad there is another foodie in this class... I love all of those kinds of foods as well. I have to say that Thai is my favorite. It's really cool that you're studying philosophy. I don't know too many philosophy majors, but it seems like a great major to set you on the path to be an author! Good luck this semester!

  9. Hi Ethan!
    Congratulations to the gymnastics team on yet another championship season! I was able to visit one of you guys’ practices freshman year and I was absolutely floored (and a little bit starstruck) to see the sheer amount of time and effort every member has to put in for the team’s success. It’s also really cool that your major is philosophy- considering the big questions can be so intimidating, so I’m glad you’ll be around in the future to shed some light on the really deep stuff. Best of luck in your potential American Ninja Warrior endeavors and with the rest of this semester!

  10. Hi Ethan! It’s awesome that you are a gymnast at OU. I’m glad you love it and are still aiming for your athletic career after college. It’s also cool that you wanted to be a philosophy major because I never thought about it. I’m actually aiming towards pre-med and becoming a pediatrics instead. Overall, I want to keep it short for you and to let you know to keep up the great work you are achieving!

  11. Hey Ethan,

    Congrats on the 4 national championships!! That is very impressive and getting a championship isn’t easy. It was great getting to know you a little from your introduction. Your major sounds very interesting and its great that you like it. my sister and I are very different from each other haha I guess it is almost everyone. Good luck with everything this semester with your classes and gymnastics.

  12. Hey Ethan!
    First of all, that the national championships are awesome, and congrats! I greatly enjoyed reading your introduction. It is crazy that you and your sibling are so different, because my brothers and I are definitely so different as well! I too love dogs and hope that one day I have one of my own. Good luck with the rest of the semester and with gymnastics!

  13. Hello Ethan! It is awesome that you are a gymnast here at OU and congrats on the championships! It must take a lot of physical strength to be a gymnast. I do Crossfit and perform some gymnastic movements and they are hard! I tip my hat to you! However, good luck with the rest of your semester! I look forward to reading some of your stories.

  14. Hey Ethan! I was curious about why you all moved down to Oklahoma and if you have family that still live in New York. My mom also exposed me to different types of cuisine and I consider ramen (not the stuff out of packs), Thai, and Indian food as my comfort foods. The way you describe your chihuahua is pretty funny because they usually are pretty grumpy little things. Little guys (or gals) with big attitudes!

  15. Hi Ethan! that is awesome that you are a student athlete, i am a lover of all sports and i definitely enjoy watching gymnastics especially when yall have made it to the national championship! I am a lover of all food as well, my parents were the same in the way that i was always exposed to new foods. I have a dachshund and he is seriously the best dog ever, he lives with my parents but i know a dachshund will definitely be my first dog.

  16. Hey Ethan,

    It's great to see that we have a student athlete in the class! Thank you for representing our University of it's worth. I'm sorry to hear about your dog. I've always wanted a dog because I'd see how attached my friends were with theirs. I hope you have only but success in your future endeavors. Cheers!

  17. Hey Ethan!
    Sounds like you've got quite the plan! It's great that you have such a clear plan! I totally understand being different than your brother! I have two brothers and while one is 13 years older than me, the one that is four years older is the one that no one would ever guess is my brother! We are all super close though! Good luck with your semester!


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